Recipes of Roasted meats

Traditional Roast Beef

Roasted meats


1 Piece of Roast Beef Cuit’s
250gr. baby carrots
250gr. Green peas
250gr. potatoes baby


1 Cut the Roast Beef that Cuit’s has cooked for you in thin slices and reserve (Roast Beef, can be taken cold or tempered, if tempered place the slices in a dish and heats in the microwave at 600v for 30 seconds) .
2 Clean the vegetables and boil separately, drain and fry in a frying pan with olive oil.
3 Have all ingredients separately on the table and each guest is served according to his taste.

Warm potato salad with beetroot and pastrami

4 people

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Pol. Ind. – Ctra. Riudellots, 13
17244 Cassà de la Selva (Girona) SPAIN
Tel. (34) 972 46 15 84


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