Duck Mousse

 Duck mousse with black pepper in bar
Duck mousse with black pepper in barRef. 311401
 Duck mousse with fine herbs in bar
Duck mousse with fine herbs in barRef. 311402
 Goose mousse in bar
Goose mousse in barRef. 311426
 Duck mousse in bar
Duck mousse in barRef. 311406
 Gold bonbon, duck mousse stuffed with figs
Gold bonbon, duck mousse stuffed with figsRef. 311211
 Duck mousse with apple
Duck mousse with appleRef. 311212
 Duck mousse with apple
Duck mousse with appleRef. 310222
 Duck mousse with plums and apricots
Duck mousse with plums and apricotsRef. 310531
 Duck mousse with fig bits
Duck mousse with fig bitsRef. 311641
 Duck mousse with raspberry berry
Duck mousse with raspberry berryRef. 311642
 Duck mousse with orange bits
Duck mousse with orange bitsRef. 311643
 Duck mousse
Duck mousseRef. 311605
 Duck mousse with plums and apricots
Duck mousse with plums and apricotsRef. 311644


Behind every pleasure offered by Cuit's there is a hidden true story and the passion for good taste.

Roasted meats Roasted meats Pâtés Pâtés Exclusive cold meats Exclusive cold meats Duck Mousse Duck Mousse Duck foie gras delicatessen Duck foie gras delicatessen

Pol. Ind. – Ctra. Riudellots, 13
17244 Cassà de la Selva (Girona) SPAIN
Tel. (34) 972 46 15 84


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Projecte acollit al programa d’incentius lligats a l’autoconsum i l’emmagatzematge, amb fonts d’energia renovable, així com a la implantació de sistemes tèrmics renovables en el sector residencial, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançat per la Unió Europea – NextGenerationEU. Data resolució d'atorgament 24/11/2023 de l'expedient ICAD25/21/012331 del programa 2.