Duck confit
Ref. 355020

Duck confit

Description Slowly baked duck confit

Presentation suggestion To serve it can be accompanied with boiled potatoes, roasted or fried, but you can not miss a good apple sauce, flavored with spices such as cinnamon, cloves and star anise

Tasting note Concentrated flavor dish and meat of fibrous texture, a whole delicatessen for the palate

Formats For large kitchens / hotel and deli / delicatessen.

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Warm potato salad with beetroot and pastrami

4 people


500gr of small potatoes
3 cooked beets (250gr), without skin.
6 finely sliced onions.
300gr of pastrami Cuit’s fillet.
5 radishes, thinly sliced.

For dill dressing
1/3 cup (85gr) low-fat natural yogurt.
1 tablespoon low-fat mayonnaise.
2 tablespoons chopped dill.
1 tablespoon chopped capers.



1 Cook the whole potatoes, with skin, in a saucepan with lightly salted boiling water, for 15 minutes or until soft.
2 Mix the ingredients in a bowl.
3 Cut beets in julienne.
4 Drain the potatoes and cut into thick slices.
5 Put the potatoes in a silver to serve with half of the onions and the Cuit’s pastrami slightly folded.
6 When serving, add the beet to the salad and carefully stir. Sprinkle with the dressing.
7 Spread the remaining onions and radishes for the dish and serve lukewarm.



Behind every pleasure offered by Cuit's there is a hidden true story and the passion for good taste.

Roasted meats Roasted meats Pâtés Pâtés Exclusive cold meats Exclusive cold meats Duck Mousse Duck Mousse Duck foie gras delicatessen Duck foie gras delicatessen

Pol. Ind. – Ctra. Riudellots, 13
17244 Cassà de la Selva (Girona) SPAIN
Tel. (34) 972 46 15 84


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